
French Onion Soup

I typically make French Onion Soup in the fall and winter; however, I ended up with a whole whack of onions as I needed the onion bags to help suspend my growing watermelons!  So I found myself making this soup in the middle of July during a record breaking heat wave!  Probably not the most ideal timing, but is there really ever a wrong time to eat French onion soup?!


Lemon Snow-esque

I'm usually in charge of dessert for our family get togethers, and with my massive sweet tooth, I suppose I'm a natural selection. There are, however, challenges associated with this responsibility. Up first is the daunting task of pleasing so many people. While I think it is safe to say that we all enjoy desserts, the majority of us don't like our sweets to be too sweet. The next hurdle is several of my family members do not enjoy cakes - in any form - not even cupcakes (gasp :) )!! And the final challenge is we have one member that intensely dislikes eggs. Needless to say, I am always happy to try new recipes that fit these requirements. So when one of my brothers indicated that they loved a dessert called Lemon Snow, I had to give it a try! 


Baby Watermelons

One day back in April, I received a little growing kit for a watermelon.  While I very much enjoy eating watermelon, I had never even thought of planting one.  Especially given that I am currently limited to potted solutions.
In any event, the kit indicated it was intended for ages 3+ (it is after all called the Jiffy Cup for Kids!), so I figured this could either go really well….or fail miserably!!  I planted the seed in the little cup and soil provided, perched it on a floating shelf in front of the sunniest window I have, and let it do its thing.  To my surprise, a few short days later, I actually had a little sprout.  


Strawberry Frozen Yoghurt

I had a basket of strawberries that needed to be used up and no one around to partake in their yumminess. So instead of heading the jam route, I decided to whip out my ice cream / frozen yoghurt maker for the first time this season. Actually I think it's been a few years since I last used it. This, come to think of it, is strange since this unit is ridiculously easy to use and clean.  I even store the bowl in the deep freeze so it’s ready to go at a moment’s notice.  Really no excuse for lack of use.  In any event, I digress.